
数学专家讲座:Adrian Hill

报告人:Adrian Hill, Bath University UK

报告题目:A fresh start for Leapfrog

报告摘要: The Leapfrog method has several attracive properties: it is explicit, time symmetric and G-symplectic. However when used with the conventional Eula starting method, it generates parasitic instability. This talk explores how to control parasitism in two ways: Firstly we use a symmetry-preserving starting method. Secondly, we consider an iterative starting method, which eliminates parasitic components to machine precision.



报告人简介:Dr. Hill is from Bath University UK . He received his BA in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, 1988 and Ph.D in Numerical Mathematics from Oxford University, 1992. Then he be-come a Lecturer at the University of Bath in 1992. He won Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis, 1995. He was promoted as an Associate Professor in 2004. He has published 29 profound papers in Top Journals such as SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis and SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.

